Express Coding Challenges for Developers
Test Your Coding Skills
Multiple Choice, Fast and Fun
Test your coding skills with Express Code Challenges
Express Code Challenges are bite-sized code challenges designed to test your coding skills through multiple choice questions.
Each question should take less than 5 minutes to answer.
We introduced Express Code Challenges to give members of the Geektastic developer community something to enjoy on a regular basis to keep testing and improving their coding skills.
Using our Express Code Challenge builder tool you can also create and share challenges as well as complete against others by trying to solve them.
Try a sample Express Challenge
The first Express Challenge questions in each language were introduced by our expert UberGeek review team, but to keep them fresh and broaden the scope of their coverage we built an Express Challenge builder tool so the community can create a publish questions for everyone to enjoy.
Express Code Challenge Format
Each question follows the same format: A single question with up to 5 answers, one answer must be correct (of course) but the twist is, you can have multiple correct answers. In order to get the points the developer answering the question must correctly select all the correct answers.
The key to creating good Express challenge questions is to remove subjectivity.
We want to find questions that are either right or wrong. We quickly realised questions asking things like “which is the ‘best’ solution” or “which is the ‘fastest” answer’ were prone to starting flame wars.
This doesn’t mean we are moving away from our core product of peer review, take home code challenges. We still firmly believe that these offer the deep insight hiring teams need when making a decision about the suitability of a candidate.

Mobile Friendly Code Challenges
Because Express Challenges are multiple choice this means they are mobile friendly. You can now take Geektastic Code Challenges on the move, on any device.
Looking to find out more about take-home code challenges and what makes a good challenge?
Check out of page where we talk about take-home code challenges