The real cost to hire a software engineer

It's amazing how much it really costs once you start to look at a process in depth

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Globe showing where Geektastic review team and developer community are located
  • Headshot of Daniel P
  • Headshot of Andrej
  • Headshot of David S
  • Headshot of Alex
  • Headshot of Cassio
  • Headshot of Hudson T
  • Headshot of Haochi C
  • Headshot of Stephen
  • Headshot of Murray
  • Headshot of Leandro
  • Headshot of Thomas
  • Headshot of Anton B
  • Headshot of Tiago
  • Headshot of Chris H
  • Headshot of Jon P
  • Headshot of Ismael
  • Headshot of Ruslan A
  • Headshot of James
  • Headshot of Duane

With multiple stage interview processes the internal cost of doing technical assessments can quickly add £1000s to the cost per hire.

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Geektastic's different code challenges

Technical Assessments

Using well constructed take home challenges can provide the right level of insight to decide who to take forward to the final stage interview.

Using machine based, algorithmic testing platforms will run the risk of failing good candidates and mean your dev team still interview unsuitable candidates.

Each interview that results in a 'fail' has just wasted precious developer resource. 

Talent is highlighted, and bias is removed.

Each stage takes time

Each stage in the process to filter out candidates takes time. 

Companies that move quickly are more likely to hire the better candidates.

Slow processes lose candidates.

Geektastic's code challenge interface

Streamline your candidate assessements

Using Geektastic you can invite candidates to take online code challenges directly or via your ATS (we support Greenhouse and Workable).

All actions are tracked giving you and your team complete visibility of the candidate’s progress.

Candidates complete the code challenge (which can be time limited or more open ended) and submit their code for review.

Example code review

Detailed technical evaluation

We firmly believe a human eye will always outperform a machine when it comes to detailed technical analysis of code.

By taking the time to administer a take home challenge you can actually speed up a hiring process and reduce your internal effort because you can reduce the number of steps your candidates have to complete.

Candidate responding to reviewer questions

Enhanced candidate experience

A 360 degree code review tool allows candidates to respond to the reviewer’s comments and questions.

Feedback provides additional insight into the candidate’s soft skills and can be carried out in close to real time.

It has been shown to be effective in terms of speeding up the hiring process for all parties involved.

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